SERIIUS participants include the following people from India and the United States. We provide a photo and brief information on each person.

Saptarshi Basu
Thrust/Activity: CSP / Thermal Storage & Hybridization
- Project: CSP-5: Storage & Hybridization
V. Basu
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage

Anshu Bharadwaj
CSTEP SEI Thrust Leader
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Roadmapping, Analysis, & Assessment
Project: SEI-1: Roadmapping & Policy Assessment
Project: SEI-2: Computational Tools for Economic Assessment, Bankability, & Deployment
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage
Thrust/Activity: PV / Multiscale Modeling & Reliability
Project: PV-5: Reliability

Mridula Dixit Bharadwaj
CSTEP SEI Thrust Leader
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Roadmapping, Analysis, & Assessment
- Project: SEI-1: Roadmapping & Policy Assessment (Co-Leader)
- Project: SEI-2: Computational Tools for Economic Assessment, Bankability, & Deployment (Co-Leader)
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage (Co-Leader)

Parag Bhargava
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-3: Nanostructured Absorbers & Electrodes
Pratik Bhavsar
Thrust/Activity: CSP / Thermal Storage & Hybridization
- Project: CSP-5: Storage & Hybridization
Amit Bhosle
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage
B. Bicer
Thrust/Activity: PV / Multiscale Modeling & Reliability
- Project: PV-5: Reliability

Dan Bilello
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Roadmapping, Analysis, & Assessment
- Project: SEI-2: Computational Tools for Economic Assessment, Bankability, & Deployment
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage
M. Bishal
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage

Pratim Biswas
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-3: Nanostructured Absorbers & Electrodes (Co-Leader)
Thrust/Activity: PV / Advanced Process/Manufacturing Technology
- Project: PVCore-1: Solar-Grade Si Development
Thrust/Activity: SEI / Solar Energy Integration & Storage Analysis
- Project: SEI-3: Integration & Energy Storage

Robert Blankenship
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-3: Nanostructured Absorbers & Electrodes
Pritam Jyoti Bora
Thrust/Activity: PV / Multiscale Modeling & Reliability
- Project: PV-6: Novel Materials for Intrinsic Stability in Harsh Environments
Nick Bosco
Thrust/Activity: PV / Multiscale Modeling & Reliability
- Project: PV-5: Reliability

Tonio Buonassisi
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-1: Thin-Film Absorber Materials and Processing
Thrust/Activity: PV / Multiscale Modeling & Reliability
- Project: PV-4: Integrated Modeling
Matthew Carlson
Thrust/Activity: CSP / High-T, High-P, Closed-Cycle CO2 Brayton Cycle
- Project: CSP-1: High-T Receiver for CO2 Cycle
Tandeep Chadha
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-3: Nanostructured Absorbers & Electrodes
Naresh Chandrashekaran
Thrust/Activity: PV / Earth-Abundant PV & Advanced Processing
- Project: PV-2: Organic PV Materials & Devices